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Smoked Salmon Quiche

Quiche is one of my favorite breakfast foods. Adding smoked salmon makes it even better! Use a moist smoked salmon. You can substitute the cream with milk.


Pie Crust (single)

Smoked Salmon, 1 cup, crumbled

Onion, 1 small, chopped

Olive oil, 1 tbsp

Mild cheddar cheese, ½ cup shredded

Cream, 1 cup

Milk, ½ cup

4 eggs, beaten

Dried parsley, ¼ tsp


Lay the pie crust onto the pie plate and flute the edges. In a small frying pan, sauté the onion in olive oil and when it cooks to a translucent stage, add in the crumbled smoked salmon. When the salmon is warmed through, add the onion/salmon as the first layer to the quiche. In a small bowl, beat the eggs before adding in the cream/milk. Sprinkle in the parsley. Mix in the shredded cheese and then pour over the onion/smoked salmon. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes. To test for doneness, insert a table knife into the center, it will come out clean. The top of the quiche will be lightly brown. Serve warm or cold.


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