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Squash Blossoms Stuffed with Egg & Cheese

We are once again growing zucchini, summer squash, winter squash and pumpkins. The blossoms are bright and beautiful when I enter our garden gate. Many thanks to Lynn Beebe for generously sharing zucchini and summer squash starts. Unexpectedly, they were offered when most of our garden was planned. We quickly ordered another raised bed from our neighbor Brian Cladoosby, who builds them in his spare time. We also had to cut back blackberries growing through the garden fence to place the seventh raised bed that is built 4 feet off the ground. At any given day I am harvesting 2 to 4 squash blossoms. I snap them off, handle with care and rinse.


Squash blossoms, 3 per person

Hardboiled egg

Salt and pepper

Grated cheese, a few pinches

Olive oil, 1 tablespoon


Wash the blossoms. Slice the egg into thick slices and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place slices of egg into each blossom. Sprinkle with cheese. Hold the blossom together with your fingers and place in a heated pan with oil. On a low temperature, cook each side for one minute each. Serve immediately.


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