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Blueberry Butter

This recipe prepares in the slow cooker. It will make 2 to 3 pints. You can refrigerate and it keeps a month. Or you can water bath can it so it stores longer. I was describing this recipe to two young millennial women. They both asked, when do you add butter? I replied, “this is fresh fruit cooked down to be smooth as butter.”


Blueberries, ½ flat (6 pints)

Sugar, 2 cups

Cinnamon, 2 teaspoons

Nutmeg, ¼ teaspoon

Canning jars, 2 to 3 pints


Wash and remove any stems, dried blossoms and leaves from the blueberries.

Place into a slow cooker and set the temperature on low.

Place a wooden chopstick over one end to keep the lid tilted open.

Cook for six hours and stir.

Cook another two hours, stir and cool down.

Refrigerate covered overnight.

The next morning, begin cooking again, using the chopstick to keep the lid open a bit.

Three or four hours later, stir.

Stir in the sugar and spices.

Set on high temperature.

Stir every 10 minutes.

Check consistency after 30 minutes.

Look for a consistency of ketchup.

While hot, place in jars.

Cool to refrigerate or water bath can for ten minutes.

My batch made one pint jar, one 8-ounce jar and one 4-ounce jar.


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