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Go solar not hydropower

The article from Nov. 15 about the Skagit County water outlook (“Skagit County water outlook complicated”) pointed out that the challenges related to low water flows on the Skagit River are becoming more complex. This is a big deal for both irrigation and energy production.

With droughts and extreme weather events becoming more common, the Skagit River is under increasing pressure to meet the demands for irrigation, electricity, and instream-flows. One solution to ease this pressure is to support local solar power. It’s a quick and easy alternative to hydropower.

The state can play a role in making sure that local solar remains a viable option for us. Rooftop solar, in particular, has become quite popular, and our legislature is now looking at ways to keep it affordable for people in Washington.

Right now, we need alternatives to the old grid. We need energy sources that make our system more resilient, ensuring that more water is available for our farmers when they need it most. It’s about finding a balance that works for everyone and keeps our environment and small businesses in mind.

Alana Nelson

Mount Vernon


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