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Haley best choice for presidency

It occurred to me: If the Democratic Party is warning their membership not to vote for a specific candidate and the MAGA Republicans are pressuring other Republicans not to support that same individual, you likely have one of the most viable presidential candidates this country has seen in a very long time. Nikki Haley is the right person at the right time to unite this country around what really matters: We’re all Americans. And make no mistake, we will either rise or fall together.

As a South Carolina lawmaker, highly popular governor and with credentials on the world stage, Ambassador Haley has the intellect, grit, fortitude, stamina and temperament to administer the business of our country effectively. No other candidate exhibits all of these essential attributes.

With stakes this high, both domestically and internationally, we simply cannot afford to get it wrong. This election, let us be determined to support the individual who is most qualified for the job of president of the United States, Nikki Haley.

Ramon Hayes

La Conner


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