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Poster reveal at Rotary meeting means 2024 Skagit River Poetry Festival is October bound

Monday's weekly La Conner Rotary Club meeting at the Farmhouse Restaurant was brightened from its bleak midwinter darkness by its guests and the occasion: The poster reveal for the 2024 Skagit River Poetry Festival. Artist Anne Schreivogl is championing October's biannual gathering with the title "A bird is a poem with feathers." Perched on the keyboard of a big black Underwood typewriter in the lower corner of the poster is a puff of a green bird. Swirling in the bright red commanding the center of the frame are the festival poets' names.

Schreivogl has attended and supported many of the past 11 festivals and had experienced their magic. "It is a real honor to be invited to be a part of it," she said. The red with the poets embedded is a tapestry, she explained. "The more I read their poems the more I was inspired."

Skagit River Poetry Foundation Director Molly McNulty recognized "there is a lot of magic in this poster. Anne brings joy with her playful art. Her paintings tell stories and that is so appropriate for poetry."

Every Festival has a theme poster but this was the first time McNulty had organized a "reveal," with the poster on an easel and Executive Assistant Cora Thomas removing the covering cloth and later walking it among the 15-plus Rotations so they could get a close up look at their investment. Supporting education is a core Club tenant. The group has been generous donors to the Poetry Foundation's poets in the schools program for its entire 20 years. McNulty thanked them, saying,

"La Conner had had a big hand in making this happen. Through grants and encouragement we are sustained."

The strong bond and relationship between the two organizations and individuals was obvious.

Monday the Club had its own unveiling, with member Audrey Gravley writing in $1,500 and present an oversized check to McNulty.

That will buy several days of Tony Curtis visiting classrooms McNulty said. The Irish poet is a Skagit Valley favorite. He will come for two weeks in October to participate in the Festival and teach in Skagit, Whatcom and Island counties classrooms.

Long time Rotarian Ollie Iversen spoke up, "thanking Molly for bringing the unveiling to La Conner Rotary."

"This is the only place I would do it," she replied.

The Poetry Festival is Oct. 3-5 in La Conner.


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