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Town of La Conner Public Hearings Notice

Hearings slated for November 14

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of La Conner will hold four (4) Public Hearings on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023 to consider each of the following:

1. Formation of the Transportation Benefit District.

2. 20 Year TIP Updates.

3. 2024 Preliminary Budget.

4. 2024 Property Tax Levy. The Public Hearings will be held during the 6 p.m. regular city council meeting located at 204 Commercial Street (Upper Maple Center). The Public Hearings shall be for the purpose of receiving public comments, written or oral. Written comments are to be submitted by email prior to the meeting, no later than 12:00 PM on Monday November 13, 2023, to [email protected]. This meeting will be held in person with remote option available. All materials and remote access will be available at by November 10, 2023. By: /s/ Maria DeGoede Finance Director Published November 1, 2023 LWN.


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