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November Soroptimist student

Meet Morgan Huizenga, Soroptimist International of La Conner honored Student of the Month for November.

Morgan, a senior participating in Running Start at Skagit Valley College, views her life as focused on school and volley ball. She started playing as a fourth grader and has become a valuable team leader. She also runs track and discovered that she could excel at throwing the javelin as well. While she was recovering from an injury she wanted to try the javelin and ended up fourth in the state tournament! She stated that felt amazing!

Morgan describes herself as a good student who has loved reading her whole life. She participates in the leadership classes in high school, her favorite subject, and has benefitted tremendously from it, as those around her have as well.

She feels her strengths are leadership and she is a very positive person. She aspires to be her best person at all times. She volunteers for the Booster Club, working with younger students. She supports the Booster Club by helping prepare Ragnar dinners. She fits babysitting in weekly as well.

Her post high school goals include studying to be a firefighter like her father, with EMT and paramedicine experience. Or she may become a pediatric oncology nurse. After Skagit Valley College she plans to transfer to Western Washington University. Her leadership experiences will translate to these careers. She plans to serve her community and stay in La Conner.

She is the daughter of Kristin and Jason Huizenga and has a younger brother, Flint, a sophomore.

Morgan will receive a gift certificate to Vintage of La Conner Thrift, the shop run by the La Conner Soroptimists whose mission is to support local women and girls in the community, enabled by generous donations from this community. She will also receive a gift card from a local coffee shop. Congratulations Morgan!


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