There will be cheers and tears at La Conner High School's home football game Friday.
That's guaranteed regardless of the outcome.
The former will be led, as always, by the cheer squad. The tears, on the other hand, will reflect the bittersweet acknowledgement that La Conner cheer sponsor Theresa James is stepping down from that assignment – one of several hats she wears for the school district – after a remarkable 30-year run.
James is being honored for what district officials laud as her "astounding and unwavering commitment to our cheer program" during halftime ceremonies of the Oct. 27 non-league grid matchup with Wright Academy at Jack Whittaker Field.
In her mission as cheer sponsor, "Theresa has left an indelible mark on the lives of countless students and the entire community," district leaders said in a statement released last week.
A La Conner alum who was an outstanding track-and-field athlete for the Lady Braves and today is both a Swinomish Indian Tribal Community education and senior class advisor, James expressed mixed emotions to the Weekly News about her pending retirement as cheerleader coach.
Having school weekend nights free from obligation for the first time since the Clinton presidency will come as somewhat of a relief.
"It's hard to believe, but I've been the cheer sponsor for more than half my life," the seemingly ageless James noted while handing out homecoming pins prior to the Oct. 20 kickoff against Coupeville. "But it also makes me a little sad knowing it's coming to an end."
Still, it's just one of the many duties she fulfills for La Conner Schools. District officials vowed in their announcement that James will continue to play an active role on campus.
"Theresa's contribution," they stressed, "extends beyond the cheerleading team. As a senior advocate and advisor, she embodies the values of engagement, connection and achievement that our district stands for."
As an example, James takes the lead each spring in organizing the annual high school senior class trip to southern California – Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm are routinely on the itinerary – an experience that has become a cherished tradition for the graduating classes.
"She also spearheads fundraising efforts to ensure that all seniors have the opportunity to participate (in the trip), emphasizing the inclusivity and equity that our district values," the district release said.
James' talents, bolstered by tireless energy and a positive attitude, extend to art and baking.
"She's always willing to share her creative skills with our community," school officials noted. Her husband, Loran James, is a son of the late legendary La Conner teacher and coach Landy James, for whom the high school gymnasium is named.
Loran James is the tribal community's education supervisor, high school softball coach and is filling an unexpired term on the school board.
The James' have three children, Landy, Jamall and Taysha, each of whom is a La Conner alum. But the couple's devotion to local youth extends far beyond their immediate family, as evidenced by their wide-ranging involvement with the school district and community as a whole.
"Her selfless dedication and passion have been instrumental," district leaders said of Theresa James. "in shaping the character and success of our students."
Instrumental and impactful.
"The traditions and legacy that Theresa has created in the La Conner cheer program will undoubtedly continue to be upheld and cherished by our district," assured school officials. "From the Cheer Lock-in to decorating the school entrance, she has left a lasting legacy."
One that will remain in the present tense as James continues work in her diverse academic and advisory positions.
"Her selfless dedication and passion," district leaders insisted, "have been instrumental in shaping the character and success of our students.
"We eagerly anticipate her continued involvement in our district," they added, "supporting our students in her various roles.
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