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Band thanks audience

Dear Town of La Conner residents,

On behalf of the Skagit Community Band, I would like to thank the fabulous La Conner audience that came to our concert on Friday Feb. 3 at Maple Hall. It was truly a night to remember. When the power went out and I asked the band what they wanted to do, they said “Let’s go on.”

That is when the magic began. The band scrambled to fix the situation by getting out stand lights and cell phones. The audience offered flashlights and offered to stand behind members to illuminate their music. It was the affirming cheer that the audience gave, when I told them that the band wanted to continue, that gave us the courage to go on.

The band played with heart and musicality that only a dire situation could bring out. Your gracious applause after each number kept us going to the end. That night will remain in our memories and a part of SCB folklore for many years. We can’t promise another night like that but we can promise an entertaining and musically expressed concert next time.

So, again on behalf of the Skagit Community Band, thank you for your generous support and donations.

Vince Fejeran

Director SCB


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