Your independent hometown award-winning newspaper

Art's Alive a success

Art’s Alive! 2022 wishes to thank the townspeople of La Conner for their continuing support of the fine arts show.

Our town attended this year’s Art’s Alive! in record numbers. Many were inspired by the perfect pieces of art now gracing their homes and businesses and we appreciate their critical eye and support.

Other support came from La Conner artists. Not only was their art acquired, but local artists were the resounding People’s Choice Awards winners – Coizie Bettinger, Keith Clements, Margaret Arnett and Mark Bistranin. Thank you.

There are 34 very special people who volunteer to bring this art show to our town. Some volunteer throughout the year and others for one day, but each is critical to the art experience Art’s Alive! brings each year. For sharing their time and talents, we are grateful.

In this, its 37th year, Art’s Alive! welcomed more visitors than ever before, with 1,900 guests. They represented three countries, 16 states and 15 Washington counties. Again, thank you, all, for your support of Art's Alive!

With appreciation,

Sheila Johnson

La Conner Arts Foundation


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