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Art and tourism options

This letter is written by four women. Two of us are professional, working artists. One is a long-time collector of fine art, who recently donated a major sculpture to the Town of La Conner. The fourth is a long time gallery owner and the director of the La Conner Arts Foundation.

We write out of concern for the proposed Love La Conner sign. We feel that the town is not being well represented by this ill-conceived project. While perhaps good intentioned, these kinds of projects actually degrade La Conner’s image. Attempts to promote La Conner this way creates an impression of a crass tourist trap, rather than the historic, unique place it is. We can do better than this.

At the town council meeting Nov.8 it was clear that at best this project had few fans and many critics. Two of the council members didn’t seem happy with it. It has a checkered past with rejected designs. Most who spoke did not want it in Gilkey Square. Maybe it shouldn’t be placed anywhere.

It’s not clear that the La Conner sign code would legally permit such a sign. Clearly it is off-site, since it doesn’t have a specific location to represent. It is not directional, unless you count the instruction to “Love La Conner” as a direction. All the locations mentioned for possible installment already have great views that should not be obstructed!

We would like to suggest that the $20,000 cost could instead pay for projects that would actually serve the public good, including visitors. It could buy art. The labor of fine artists is one of the historic features that bring people to town.

Other possibilities include funding a children’s art event that could bring families to town and designing unique, specially lighted crosswalks on the ever-more-dangerous Maple Avenue, where guests in the hotels must cross to walk to the shopping district.

The options are endless, and the citizens should be invited to imagine these possibilities when the next round of community forums are held.


Nancy Crowell

Maggie Wilder

Sylvia Strong

Marilyn Thostenson

Submitted to Town Council, mayor, art and planning



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