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Democrats inflict damage

The upcoming midterm elections are the most important of our times. Today’s radical Democratic party has orchestrated more damage to America in two years then our worst foreign adversaries could have ever dreamed of accomplishing. The list is long but includes the most obvious and immediately painful intentional destruction of our energy independence creating hardships on families just to heat their homes and fuel their vehicles.

The destruction of our hard earned sovereignty by failure to finish the border wall and which allows an increasing number of immigrants along with cartels smuggling drugs to illegally enter from all over the world unabated, spreading disease, increasing crime along with thousands of fentanyl deaths and the overburdening of our cities medical, welfare and police services.

The gross negligence of the unorganized withdrawal from Afghanistan costing 13 U.S. lives and the abandoning and thereby giving $7,000,000,000 of taxpayer purchased military equipment to the enemy. Raging inflation and the insult to taxpayers by paying off the so called student loans estimated to cost every taxpayer over $2,000.

There is the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, which not one single Republican voted for costing up to $739,000,000,000 and instead of adding border security may be used to hire up to yet another 86,0000 IRS agents.

This list is just touching on the damage the Democratic Party has inflicted on America making the midterm elections the most important in our lifetime to stop the insanity.

Frank Gardner

Fernley, Nevada


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