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The Future of the La Conner Marina

A view from the Port of Skagit —

By Sara Young

It’s an exciting time at the La Conner Marina. The Port of Skagit, which built and owns the Marina, has been considering the needs of this important property and future opportunities for more than 15 years. We’ve had a lot of great conversations with members of the community since our visioning presentation in May 2022 during the joint meeting with La Conner’s town council and planning commission.

As the Port develops a vision and plan for the site, there will be more opportunities for public input. We also want to take some time to provide information to the community along the way. This column will serve as the first in a series to connect with you – the community – to provide updates and engagement through the process. We want to start by sharing more about The Port of Skagit, our role and where we are today.

Ports are special purpose districts authorized under RCW 53 to provide economic development functions and public infrastructure. Ports have a broad scope of activities, but a common theme is maintaining certain critical facilities in public ownership to serve the greater good. Within the Town of La Conner, we are subject to the same land use rules and regulations as any private citizen.

The Port is currently requesting changes to the industrial zone at the north end of our property to better support the marine manufacturing businesses there and focus allowable uses on the marine trades, a use the Port believes should be prioritized in perpetuity as a foundational component of a maritime economy.

Separate from the industrial zone code changes, the Port is undergoing a feasibility study for redeveloping 13 acres of the Marina property, home to the Marina office, RV Park, storage units and several aging buildings. This study will inform the Port of viable options to meet our mission of economic development and job creation, while supporting and enhancing the local maritime industry and creating synergy with downtown and the greater La Conner community.

Our goal for the property is to create a vibrant community waterfront space with a home for marine trades, better pedestrian access with downtown, improved waterfront access and green space. We are evaluating whether mixed use and residential elements have a place at the Marina. Housing is not traditional Port work, but we understand the lack of housing is having an impact on employers currently.

As we develop future plans, we have great sensitivity to and appreciation for the unique history and character of La Conner. The La Conner Marina has brought commerce, recreation, tourism, jobs and quality of life to our community for the past five decades. The time has come to rebuild aging infrastructure. With this initiative, we hope to revitalize this marina and bring positive impact to La Conner for generations to come.

We are early in this process and committed to transparency and open communication. The Port will host a community workshop in November to share what we’ve heard and learned so far through our visioning work. We’re listening.

Young became the Port’s executive director in 2021 after being director of planning and facilities.


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