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Running true to form

I see you're still at it Mr. Stern!

Oh, how the liberals love the blame game. Obama blamed Bush. Biden blames Trump. And you sir, as recently as your diatribe June 15, continue to blame Trump for the January 6 incident: "... attempted coup unleashed by then-president Donald Trump." And "... Donald Trump worked to overthrow the government ... ." And "There is the United States flag or the Trump nation flag.” Oh my.

Mr. Stern, our current worst-ever president and his handlers have given us the following "achievements" including:

Record high and increasing fuel prices. 8.5% (and increasing) inflation, exacerbated by high fuel prices.

Severe supply chain issues.

A disastrous knee-jerk and treasonous pullout of our armed forces from Afghanistan. The Taliban now owns $85 billion worth of our weapons they can use against us. That is aiding and abetting our enemy, no? The Afghans were our allies; why should any of our allies ever trust us again?

Complete disregard for public safety: thousands of people coming across our southern border weekly with no vaccinations.

Severe and disastrous social issues: Massive national debt due to federal giveaways. Crime rates have soared and we blame the Second Amendment and slash police budgets. Homeless veterans camp in the streets while we put up immigrants without legal permission to enter the country in hotels.

Men who think they are women. A man in blue gets less respect than a man in a dress. Patriotism is considered insurrection. We ask our soldiers to fight for a country that the current White House no longer believes in. And the list goes on.

Joe Biden has accomplished all of the above in less than two years and you have yet to address this fact. Whatever happened to "fair and balanced" editorials in your newspaper?

Your silence is deafening Mr. Stern.

P.S. I can't wait for November!

Randy Hageman

Shelter Bay


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