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Declarations and revolutions

From the editor-

Monday is July 4, our country's 246th birthday. When the Declaration of Independence was read aloud in 1776, it was the first time the public – and people worldwide – heard, "We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America."

A new country – ours – was born, birthed in revolution and won through war.

Its leaders, assembled into a congress, were long upset with King George III.

They understood they needed "To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world." And they did, stating their case for separation and independence from a monarch's overreach.

Our written Declaration provides "a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them (the colonies) under absolute despotism."

A long list of grievances follows – 27 – of the King's imposing his will on the colonial governments and on citizens and businesses.

The colonists’ pleas fell on dead ears.

The Congress informed the world that negotiations have failed, leaving no choice but a forced separation.

How different our forefathers deliberations from the insurrection of Jan. 6, 2021, which was planned behind closed doors and organized quietly on the fringes of society.

Donald Trump was the president. He, along with his followers, have their First Amendment right: “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” But they had no interest in following the Constitution or the rule of law. They sought to overturn the law.

Yes, they are as revolutionary as the Founding Fathers, but not nearly as dignified or civilized. It is not that 246 years ago Jefferson and Washington wore powdered wigs, knee-high stockings, frock coats and vests. Our 18th century revolutionary leaders petitioned their adversary and proudly and boldly set to prove their case before a candid world – out in the open.

Today, Trump’s congressional supporters dissemble. Some suggest the rioters actions were the same as a “normal tourist visit.” Army camos, with or without red baseball caps seem to be the standard uniform today.

The endless repeating of the lie of election fraud does not make it true. Yelling it louder only shows the primitive barbarism of the movement. Yet they call themselves patriots.

We must be honest and address the fact that the people that day had the same revolutionary intent as our country’s forefathers: the overthrow of the government. That is, your government.

The video footage of the takeover of the Capitol Building shows a purposeful mob united in violent action.

Take these revolutionaries at face value. Believe them. They do not want and have given up on a pluralistic, diverse society. They are not discussing the merits of their positions. Instead, their rejection of electoral and legislative processes meant overthrowing the Congress – again, your government.

This is a rejection of the established order. They are confederates. They are clear in their intent.

They want a white nation. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans, they want them at least out of the country if not dead. Same with the rainbow alphabet of LGBTQ+. They are all toast in an America made great by this perhaps 25 percent of our population fervently committed to these ideologies. This is not a right wing fringe element.

A significant portion of our countrymen have given up on the United States of America. For them there is only their defined states of America.

The great majority of the populace seems to not believe this synopsis, do not seem interested and are not paying attention. But the militant right is not looking for recognition or approval. They know what their aim is. They will continue to work toward accomplishing their defined states.

That declaration was declared Jan. 6, 2021.

Read their words. Listen to them.

Their record is clear. Watch it on YouTube. Is that a revolution you want to celebrate?


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