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Shelter Bay changes sought

On April 13 a meeting of Shelter Bay homeowners was held at Summit Park Grange Hall. It was well attended and all homeowners welcomed. No elected board members chose to attend.

The group sponsoring the meeting is called the Rainbow Action Committee (RAC); the name may change as the focus shifts over time.

Initial concerns reflected the devastating tree clearing that occurred at Rainbow Park, the excavation of the tree stumps, potentially damaging tribal archaeological artifacts, potential environmental impact (runoff), followed by the board’s illegal indemnification of parties involved.

The Tribal fine will not cover the costs for reparation, nor the cultural insult to the tribe.

These costs will be borne by every homeowner within Shelter Bay, thanks to the egregious actions of our executive board – a group that denies homeowners in Shelter Bay their rights to know what they are doing in executive sessions.

The history of the Rainbow Park clear cutting was briefly reviewed. The account is at odds with the account given by the Shelter Bay Board. A full rendering of RAC’s views is presented at:

Shelter Bay homeowners are encouraged to look at this informative website.

The actions of our board have offended our Swinomish landlords and neighbors and Shelter Bay owners. Our relationships need to honor us all with honesty, respect, ethics and support. In Washington State homeowner associations are also governed by state law with the intent that they be democratically conducted. The board is required to be open about decisions, voting events, results and individual vote accounting, allowing homeowners to know what transpires. This is basic to democracy, legality and decency.

Homeowners now have a chance to improve governance – by informing themselves and participating by voting in the upcoming election. Shelter Bay is facing economic challenges of infrastructure and amenities that have not been well supported financially for years. Capable leadership is desperately needed. We require an open and communicative board that represents our community, interacts with integrity with the Tribe and that puts an end to self-interests.

Step 1. Take advantage of every opportunity to meet the candidates.

Step 2. Vote the upcoming election which ends May 21.

It is entirely up to us from now on!

TJ Reinoso

Thomas Schumacher

Shelter Bay


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