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Breaking news on vehicle prowls

Since the beginning of this year, the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office has responded to 15 vehicle prowls that were reported and occurred at the two parking areas of the Padilla Bay trail in Bay View. Proactively, deputies have made attempts to apprehend the individuals involved in these activities. This past weekend, deputies had two separate arrests of individuals taking items from a vehicle in one of the parking lots.

The first incident occurred on March 26 at 6:14 p.m. Deputies contacted two individuals at a vehicle that had been entered and items were taken. One of the items taken was located with a 33-year-old Seattle man. He was arrested and booked into the Skagit County Community Justice Center. At his Skagit County Superior Court arraignment, he was released on his own personal recognizance.

The second incident occurred on March 27 at 3:34 a.m. Deputies working the area discovered that items had been taken from a vehicle again in the parking lot. Deputies were able to locate the suspect vehicle as it traveled into La Conner.

The vehicle was stopped and again two individuals were contacted. At that time a 33-year-old La Conner man was arrested and booked into the Skagit County Community Justice Center. At his Skagit County Superior Court arraignment, he was released on his own personal recognizance, however, remains confined on a Skagit County District Court reckless driving warrant.

This is a reminder that, unfortunately, people will seize some of the opportunities presented to them. As we enter nicer weather and expected outings, please leave the valuables at home versus leaving them in an unattended vehicle.

-Source: Skagit County Sheriff's Office


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