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Trump’s classified documents

I am no fan of the Clintons. Hillary Clinton’s nomination by the Democratic Party in 2016 was, I believe, an act of cosmic stupidity. She was and is one of the most unpopular politicians in the nation. Let us not forget that Clinton was secretary of state when our ambassador to Libya was kidnapped and brutally murdered because he lacked adequate protection in a war zone. There were absolutely no consequences for this grotesque dereliction of duty.

Her husband is, in my opinion, worse. A frequent flyer on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express, he should have been impeached and booted out of office for lying to Congress about his affair with Monica Lewinski.

Clinton’s private email server was a major factor in her defeat. The Republican party made much of this during the election.

Now we learn that Trump made off with 14 entire boxes of presidential records from the White House, including classified material. (New York Times). There are credible reports that he routinely tore up presidential documents that had to be scotch taped back together by his staff (New York Times).

This behavior is illegal, yet we hear little but crickets from the Republican party about this or any of Trump’s other excesses, including financial and sexual excesses. His hold on the GOP seems to be absolute.

Democrat, Republican or independent – why should we fear and deny demonstrable facts? Why should we use hyper-partisan standards to evaluate the behavior of our elected officials? Why should we hold them to a lower standard of comportment than common, ordinary citizens?

Tribalism is the antithesis of democracy. If we cannot escape the former, the later will be utterly destroyed.

James Winchester

Greater La Conner


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