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Residents rising up in Shelter Bay

This is in regards to the Feb.9 Weekly News article, “Should the Shelter Bay board resign over the Rainbow Park clearcut?” While we appreciate and applaud your efforts to enlighten our community by your article, we also need to correct your statement about the efforts to remove the board. We want to make it clear that the attendees who met Feb. 9 are not looking to remove the entire board. Our efforts are focused on those directors who have violated their oath of office by voting to indemnify Steve Swigert and volunteer Ric Henderson, improperly passing the fines onto the members of our community; and further, did not sanction Swigert for his unauthorized action.

In addition, we question the board’s action on Feb 16, when they voted to “request” that Swigert repay the $80,000 the community paid, which was not a demand and seems to be non-binding.

The Shelter Bay members we represent are committed to electing directors who believe in transparency, bring a sense of integrity to the board, represent the best interests of our community – persons who would take seriously the code of conduct they sign and would not act in a self-serving manner.

We support:

The immediate sanction and suspension of Swigert. Removing him from all duties and committees in accordance with the Shelter Bay Code of Conduct, Chapter 40, Section 40.010, paragraph J, which allows for suspension pending a meeting of the membership to remove him from the board.

Revoking the indemnification.

Require repayment of the $80,000.

Shelter Bay residents need to be aware that the cost of these violations does not stop with the current fines but will include the cost of restoration.

For the members of the Rainbow Action Committee.

Dennis Largé

Shelter Bay


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