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Skate park graffiti investigation ongoing

The obscene graffiti spray-painted at the skate park on the north end of the La Conner schools campus was low-tech vandalism at its worst.

But higher levels of technology have thus far been unable to help solve the troubling crime.

Sgt. Jeff Willard, administrator of the Skagit County Sheriff’s Office La Conner Detachment, said on Thursday that reviews of the school district’s security camera footage have not determined who defaced the park area over the Thanksgiving break.

“Right now, we don’t have a suspect,” Willard told the Weekly News, “and the school video only showed two vehicles pull into the skate park area that night.”

Willard said one of the vehicles on the school video was a mid-sized pickup. The other was a compact SUV.

“The pickup did not stay long,” said Willard. “The SUV backed in and parked by the skate park. The SUV was possibly involved, but we cannot confirm (that) and could not get a license number.”

According to Willard, a sheriff’s deputy began working with the La Conner Schools information technology department soon after the graffiti was reported.

The disturbing images were painted at the park at the outset of the school district’s long Thanksgiving holiday. Students who went to the park on their skates and scooters during the break were stunned to discover the objectionable markings. Some expressed reservations about returning.

Mayor Ramon Hayes said Town Public Works Director Brian Lease spent part of Thanksgiving Day working to remove the graffiti. Public Works staff followed up with removal efforts after that.

The skate park tagging is disturbing both in its content and apparent target groups, Willard said

“The graffiti I observed does not seem to fit the typical ‘gang’ style markings,” he said. “This was more directed at the LCHS (La Conner High School) and students.”

An uptick in graffiti tagging, vandalism and break-ins during the COVID-19 pandemic led the Town and school district to increase security measures, including upgrades of security cameras.

Even so, the tagger who despoiled the skate park has, at least for now, managed to escape detection.


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