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Republicans in La La Land

Based on what I saw on January 6th and the Republican re-writing of history in response to this vicious act of insurrection, I believe that more right-wing violence is inevitable. I also believe that many in the Republican party have traded their allegiance to the United States and our democracy for membership in a cult of personality.

Notice how conservative pundits no longer use the word “Democrat” as a stand-alone descriptor. It is now almost always radical, socialist Democrat. Frankly, I do not think the Democratic Party has changed all that much. It is still the same uneasy, disordered and inept compromise between moderates like me, and a smaller number of progressives.

The big difference is that Republicans have sailed off into La La Land where logic, science and even recent history have been replaced by conspiracy theories, race baiting and utter subservience to the whims of a corrupt old man..

The idea of violence as an instrument of political change has been with us since the start of the Republic. However, the attack on the capital and the large and growing number of armed, racist militias tells me that Jan. 6 was not a one off.

The political right likes to refer to Democrats as snowflakes, meaning weaklings. However, I think they have me confused with some other type of person. If you are a Trump voter and prone to violence, understand this. I am a true patriot. I love my country and I will fight with whatever tools are required before I let an armed, fascist mob make Donald Trump or any other would-be autocrat president for life.

You are deluded if you think I am alone in these sentiments. There are many like me.

James Winchester

La Conner


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