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Skagit County Sheriff’s Office POLICE BLOTTER

Monday, March 29

3:26 p.m.: Geese were here – Report of people parking on the roadway taking pictures of the geese. Best / Calhoun Rds., Greater La Conner.

7:42 p.m.: Rainbow rumor – Report of people walking “on top” of the rainbow bridge. Deputies could not confirm if this occurred. Pioneer Pkwy., La Conner.

Tuesday, March 30

10:02 a.m.: Paint spray – Report of gang graffiti spray painted on an observation deck. Bay View Edison Rd., Bay View.

11:56 a.m.: Blowing smoke – Report of a box van that was weaving and blowing white smoke from the exhaust. Best / Chilberg Rds., Greater La Conner.

3:09 p.m.: Family ties – Caller reported a male trespassing on her property. She called back a short time later and said it was her grandson. Best Rd., Greater La Conner.

3:13 p.m.: In-town speeder – Report of a black truck speeding in the area. Caller upset with vehicles speeding towards the shipyard around shift change. State / N. 3rd Sts., La Conner.

11:01 p.m.: Ghost car – Report of a suspicious vehicle. Vehicle was gone on arrival of deputies. Downey Rd., Greater La Conner.

Wednesday, March 31

3:32 a.m.: Cows crossing – Report of loose cows in the roadway. Deputies were able to locate the owner and get them off the road. Chilberg Ln., Greater La Conner.

5:17 p.m.: Double trouble – Deputies stopped a speeding vehicle. Deputies learned that the driver had a suspended license and an ignition interlock requirement. The driver was cited. Chilberg / La Conner Whitney Rds., La Conner.

Thursday, April 1

5:40 p.m.: Red wallet lost – Caller reported she lost her bright red wallet while on a walk in La Conner. Caledonia St., La Conner.

Friday, April 2

11:48 a.m.: Hanger helped – Deputies contacted a vehicle blocking the roadway. Deputies learned the driver had locked himself out of the vehicle. Deputies were able to use a coat hanger and open the door. S. 1st St., La Conner.

Saturday, April 3

2:32 a.m.: Prowler reporter – Deputies responded to a report of a prowler. Deputies contacted the subject, who was a port security guard. Pearle Jensen Wy., La Conner.

Sunday, April 4

12:15 p.m.: First Street theft – Caller reported a cold burglary with cash and other items stolen. An investigation is continuing. S. 1st St., La Conner.

Monday, April 5

7:33 a.m.: Gun in town – La Conner public works employee found a gun in the men’s bathroom. Deputies took possession of the handgun and contacted the owner. The gun was accidently left in the restroom by the owner. Morris St., La Conner.


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