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Retiring FD 13 Commissioner Larry Kibbee recognized

Fire District 13’s changing of the guard quietly concluded at its monthly commissioners meeting Feb. 25. It was not till the end of the meeting, after Commissioner Larry Kibbee gave his legislative update report, that he spoke of his decision to retire, asking for a point of personal privilege.

In his quiet, matter of fact way he recognized the staff and commissioners with whom he served eight years, the last 15 months as board chair.

Saying it was “an honor and a privilege to be part of the Fire District 13 family,” he told them “no one does it better than Fire District 13. It is my physical limitations, it is a bummer that I have to leave.” In sharing that his wife, Sheila, fell a week earlier and that a FD 13 crew came for her, he captured these facts of his life.

Later, Chief Wood Weiss told the Weekly News that “it is just time,” that the family agreed that moving to Bothell, closer to his children was the right decision. “We are going to miss him; he was extremely effective, caring, about the job and the people around him. He was a great partner to have; Larry’s knowledge base is just unbelievable,” Weiss noted.

Later Weiss added this: “Larry was a great commissioner. His knowledge and historical perspective on varied subjects from insurance, to budget management to personnel issues made his input always of value. Most importantly he cared about the job and was careful to give ideas to support my decisions as chief without getting in the trap of micro management.”

While Chair Bruce Shellhamer said the plaque they were presenting didn’t have enough rows to express their appreciation, it captured their sentiments, reading, “In appreciation of your outstanding dedication and service. You will be missed.”

Small changes came right away, with commissioners changing the monthly meeting to the second Friday at 9 a.m. starting March 12.

The Commissioners approved monthly payments of $300 for a training officer and $200 for his assistant.

Captain Ted Taylor gave an update on the status of the 5-year plan, saying it will “pretty well defend the world of 2026 for what services are needed” to cover the district. Presenting the plan for commissioners’ review in June is his goal.

Weiss’s reports included projected permit approvals for the Snee Oosh Road station expansion. For COVID-19, vaccinations are the big news, he said, noting that staff are volunteering shifts with Skagit Public Health at the county fairgrounds. They assisted with La Conner school district staff getting their second shot today, March 3.

The District’s January transports were about 30% below 2020. He called the 107 incidents crews responded to both busy and solid, noting they had windstorm response calls.

Weiss recognized Marge Bickel for her new, second generous donation in two years to the Fire District. It is a show of residents’ appreciation of Lt. Gary Ladd’s Good Morning, District 13 daily calls.


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