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Gun laws, past and future

To those who were taken aback by my letter on Joe Biden: His campaign promise to outlaw all semi auto firearms brought forth a surge of 10 million purchases of such weapons in the U.S. in the year 2020 alone.

The National Rifle Association has long advocated that any felony crime committed with the use of a firearm shall have 10 years added to their sentence.

If that were implemented and made mandatory it would cut the gun violence in half in short order because those criminals would be where they belong, behind bars.

It is a common sense answer but a conservative idea so it would never fly with a liberal Congress.

It appears Clara and Dave Duff are quite adept at looking up info on their chosen websites so if they looked up a past letter written to the Skagit Valley Herald by yours truly, concerning Major Quisling and the reason for his execution it may enhance their education on the topic.

I was there and saw the aftermath and was told the story by my great uncle who by some miracle managed to live through it. Hundreds of Norwegians who lived in the part of norther Norway did not.


Dennis Sather

Mount Vernon


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