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Mary Hudson - Skagit Count Commissioner, D2 (D)

Background / qualifying experiences

Currently general manager for Wells Nursery, have been employed there for 28 years. I am serving my fifth year on the Mount Vernon City Council. I have also been a community volunteer for many years, currently on the Board for Home Trust of Skagit County and The Skagit Community Foundation, past president of the Skagit Valley Hospital Foundation and past treasurer for the Skagit County Farm Bureau.

Handling the pandemic through 2021

You have the power to reduce COVID-19 in our community. Make smart choices. Listen to the medical and science experts. Wear your mask. You could be saving someone’s life, or your friends’ business. Your choices contribute to the success of our schools, businesses, greater economy, nurses, doctors and friends.

County climate change solutions

The county government operations should lead by example. Incentivize green technology in new construction through code, replace fleet vehicles with fuel efficient or electric vehicles. Position Skagit County as a destination for economic growth as the energy sector transitions to more efficient approaches occur, providing living wage jobs.

County affordable housing solutions

Our cities are required, by the GMA, to accommodate 80% of the housing for our citizens. I will facilitate meetings with our city and county planners initially to understand their strategies in their adopted comprehensive plans for where housing can be located. Government investment in infrastructure can bring the cost of housing down and federal government help is imperative to realize more units. We need units of housing in all categories. I do not support urban sprawl or more net loss of farmland. We should be fiercely protective of that and will be successful through good, coordinated planning in all Skagit jurisdictions.

County water and salmon recovery solutions

Success comes with shared goals between Department of Ecology and other partners. An example is state funding for the PUD to expand into more rural areas affected by the instream flow rule. There have been strides made on water availability, but more must be done. By partnering with the PUD and other agencies, we can find solutions. The County will need to be advocating for economic relief via grant funding or low interest loans for relief from costs associated with piping water to specific locations.

Best ways to position the county for 2050

Reopen the Envision Skagit Workplan and seriously consider many of the ideas put forth. Skagit County government completed that work 10 years ago. We need serious collaboration with the cities, Ports and EDASC to help grow our economic structure to benefit all areas of the county. We have seen the business landscape change dramatically in just the past six-plus months. Let us take advantage of the changes that are being presented and make the best choices and moves we can.


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