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Rotary Club auction totals $54,000

auction co-chair

Like many charitable organizations, the Rotary Club of La Conner has a fundraising plan that is consistent year to year, including its annual auction in August. In the fall of 2019, we chose the theme: 2020 Vision Through the Looking Glass! Who knew when we picked this theme how prophetic it would be?

Through the looking glass everything seems backward.

The faster you go, the more you get behind.

COVID hit.

Stores closed; people were suddenly out of work.

Selling tulips, our next largest fundraiser, was canceled.

Our auction moved from Maple Hall to the internet so the traditional local catering and wine were not needed.

However, in an attempt to support local business, members purchased goods and gift certificates for auction packages.

Then some of those gift certificates were no longer viable when affected businesses announced they would close before the auction took place.

New certificates were purchased.

A number of non-Rotarians provided sponsorships and auction packages for which we are so grateful!

In-person auctions are limited to the people who attend; our online auction involved many more people who could bid over the course of a week. When bidders were outbid, the auction software sent a text, creating the excitement of an in-person auction. In addition, people could attend the virtual auction from anywhere with internet. The video recordings many Rotarians created provided the impetus for generous donations, even though many did not like seeing themselves in the videos.

When attendees leave a traditional auction, they take what they have bought with them. We needed to deliver. However, we did not need to set up, decorate, and clean Maple Hall. Thanks to our sponsors, donors, and bidders, we grossed $54,000 and counting for charitable work locally and internationally!

Source: Rotary Club of La Conner


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