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Dave Paul for LD 10

I would like to ask for your support for Dave Paul who is seeking to return to the Washington state legislature as our representative in the 10th District!

As a teacher at Skagit Valley College, I have worked with Dave for many years. He is hardworking, smart and brings an attitude of compassion and respect to his interaction with students and all others at the college. Dave is thoughtful and carefully considers all options when making a decision. He has also demonstrated this smart decision making in his work in Olympia. As we face the challenge of COVID-19, having representatives with experience and interest in solving problems in our public schools and higher education will be vital!

In this time of divisiveness and acrimony Dave stands out in his team approach in working with others in government. On two occasions during the last legislative session I have attended 10th District legislative forums where Dave and his Republican counterparts discussed common interests and documented how they were working together on behalf of our communities. This is the type of positive collaboration we desperately need now!

At this critical time in our nation’s history, I encourage you to return Dave Paul to Olympia!

Jere LaFollette, Mount Vernon


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