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Bruch for House

I am writing this letter in support of Bill Bruch for the House of Representatives 10th Legislative District. Bill Bruch tried to protect our children by opposing the radical sex education Senate Bill 5395. His opponent championed that bill and was not concerned about the views of parents in his district. Bill Bruch was one of the leaders in supporting referendum R-90 that has received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot and will repeal that radical sex education bill.

Bill Bruch is not beholden to the liquor industry, gambling interests, trial lawyers and big money unions. These organizations are pouring money into his opponent’s campaign to protect their special interests. By all appearances and actions his opponent is more concerned with his big money donors rather than the people of the 10th LD. 95% of Bill Bruch’s campaign donations come from within the Legislative District 10; over 40% of his opponents donations are from Seattle or big money groups and lobbyists outside the district.

Bill Bruch is a strong advocate of the small owner and has over 30 years of practical business experience. Bill Bruch will fight to resist efforts to raise taxes and stop the personal income tax proposals. In addition, he will fight to end unfunded mandates and regulations that chip away at our rights.

We need to take back the legislature to represent all the common people and not just the elitist special interests.

LTC Lee J. Rebman, USA, Ret.



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